Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The limit budget of about 2-3 crores is separated for the developmental programmes of lekthnath municipality but now the budget has heavily increased for its development. The developmental work of Lekhnath is in the rapid speed. As the local people had quite faced the problem of drinking water which now has been solved within this year. 20 crores has been spent for the small town and clean drinking water.
The facility of lodging and fooding has also been developed in the Lekhnath because of which the population of tourist is rapidly increasing. However people are also migrating heavily here for the settlement since 2-3 years. External migration is more here than that of internal and it is able to increase its budget year by year.
Though the establishment of Lekhnath municipality is only in 2054 B.S., its developmental programme was carried on only from 2058/059 B.S .Before, no big developmental task were started because of the low budget. Because of the lack of modern appliances for the progress, it is considered to be not developed before the financial year 2058/059 B.S. After the investment of 57 lakhs on’ Loader and Triper, the constructional work was thus then took place. Not only the municipality, but also the plotters are playing the vital role for the progress of this city.
In the financial year2016/062 B.S., the budget of 80 lakhs was used to make canal of 20 km. in the inner side of the Argau. ‘Kalika Jaldhar’ way was pitched for 50 lakhs. In the same year,48 lakhs was used to pitch on the way of ‘Baralthar’. In the financial year 063/064 B.s.,38 lakhs was spent to pitch the road that linked to the municipality office which was 560 meter in length. In the year 2065/066 B.S., in lekhnath-13,8 rooms for the building of ward was built at 48 lakhs and in the meanyear,at lekhnath -9 and 10, ’Vhajhan Shishuwa Ralye’ road was uplifted to develop at 1 crore. Also the road construction of 8 km. of Lekhnath -8 ‘Ghagangauda’ was done. Similarly, the way from ‘Chambermargha to Patneyri’ of 1800 merer was constructed in 50 lakhs and 1700 meter was pitched in ‘Aargau Ritheypani’ in 50 lakhs. And, in financial year 066/067 B.S., Dipshikha library was built in Lekhnath-1 Bhandadik with 78 lakhs. For more development, it was selected in list to 6 municipalities among 58 by the local development ministry.
To link the 7 lakes, various programmes are planned. By 14 lakhs, way to Dhadanakh- shishuwa was also constructed and 12 meter road of ‘Sundarimargha’ was pitched in 40 lakhs. Also to increase the quality of road in Himalayan areas in Lekhnath- 14 and 15, 35 lakhs was spent and also the road from ‘Towamukh to Saatmane’ was constructed in 51 lakhs.
The constructional work is being carried in the way from ‘Naharchowk to Milanchowk’ with 50 lakhs in 067/068 B.S. in Lehhnath- 11 and Shishuwa Chamber Chowk is also in construction with 50 lakhs.

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