Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Literacy or educational attainment are the important determinants of an individual welfare which in turns impacts directly on social and economic development of a country. In common sense, literacy is the ability of reading and writing. According to the information collected in Lekhnath, it is found that 84%population are literate according to which the literacy rate is highest for age group 10- 14 years (more than 99%) and lowest for age group 75-79 years (less than 23%). Educational attainment of a person refers to the highest level of his/her education completed. The proportion of people who are literate with no formal education is found to be 10%, gone through primary level is 28%,Lower secondary level is 18%,Secondary level ( including SLC) is 27%.Intermediate level is 10%, Bachelors and above is 6% in this municipality. Data on current status of school helps to know what % of population of 5-25 yrs. of age are attending school. The overall current attendance of persons, 5-25 yrs. Of age in educational institution(below SLC level)is 80.7%(83% males and78.4%females) in Lekhnath.
Information on various aspects of health issues collected through the survey in Lekhnath helps and provide guidelines in planning,implementing, monitoring and evaluating health programmes. It also plays a vital role in improving health and residing population by concentrating efforts on various health facilities in local level. The information on natal care during pregnancy, immunization of children and death information in last 12 months, constraints of not receiving prenatal care, various reasons of death and level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS can be included in this topic. There are various treatment facilities available where household members are going for treatment during illness and reported that they are using multiple health facilities. Mostly, they have consulted major health facilities such as public, private,medicinal shopes and traditional treatments. The ministry of health and population along with other partner agencies in Nepal are trying to deliver adequate maternity care services to all pregnant women. The national maternity care guideline recommended pregnant women to attend at least four ANC(Antenatal Care Visit) visits during the pregnancy. According to the findings on several aspects of maternal health, antenatal care, delivery and post natal care as well as problems in accessing health care where 8% household women were exposed for delivery. More than 87% household reported that their children aged 0-4 yrs. are immunized It is reported that children under 5 yrs.have died exactly 0.13% in average. After research, it is concluded that 85% household in this area have heard about HIV/AIDS where 15% aren’t aware, more than 75% have acquired knowledge on it while 67% are aware about it in this municipality.
Road facility is also one of the important feature for development.86% household in this municipality have connectivity facility to different types of motor roads where 48.70% has earthen road and is followed by 30.68% black topped road. The percentage of graveled andbrick paved road nexus are 3.89 and 3.23 respectively.
Solid waste disposal is one of the important environmental issues. In lekhnath,36% households dispose their solid waste inside their household compound,30% use the solid waste to make compost for kitchen garden and other agricultural purposes, 15% use specific place or dustbin, some use river/rivulet as their dumping side and 5% have no any specific way to dispose waste. About 95% households in Lekhnath use natural drainage for rain water and sewage. It is also found that 8.67%household use river, 1.15% use road,31.68%use soak-pit,53.03% use kitchen garden and 5.47%use other places for the disposal of waste water.


The limit budget of about 2-3 crores is separated for the developmental programmes of lekthnath municipality but now the budget has heavily increased for its development. The developmental work of Lekhnath is in the rapid speed. As the local people had quite faced the problem of drinking water which now has been solved within this year. 20 crores has been spent for the small town and clean drinking water.
The facility of lodging and fooding has also been developed in the Lekhnath because of which the population of tourist is rapidly increasing. However people are also migrating heavily here for the settlement since 2-3 years. External migration is more here than that of internal and it is able to increase its budget year by year.
Though the establishment of Lekhnath municipality is only in 2054 B.S., its developmental programme was carried on only from 2058/059 B.S .Before, no big developmental task were started because of the low budget. Because of the lack of modern appliances for the progress, it is considered to be not developed before the financial year 2058/059 B.S. After the investment of 57 lakhs on’ Loader and Triper, the constructional work was thus then took place. Not only the municipality, but also the plotters are playing the vital role for the progress of this city.
In the financial year2016/062 B.S., the budget of 80 lakhs was used to make canal of 20 km. in the inner side of the Argau. ‘Kalika Jaldhar’ way was pitched for 50 lakhs. In the same year,48 lakhs was used to pitch on the way of ‘Baralthar’. In the financial year 063/064 B.s.,38 lakhs was spent to pitch the road that linked to the municipality office which was 560 meter in length. In the year 2065/066 B.S., in lekhnath-13,8 rooms for the building of ward was built at 48 lakhs and in the meanyear,at lekhnath -9 and 10, ’Vhajhan Shishuwa Ralye’ road was uplifted to develop at 1 crore. Also the road construction of 8 km. of Lekhnath -8 ‘Ghagangauda’ was done. Similarly, the way from ‘Chambermargha to Patneyri’ of 1800 merer was constructed in 50 lakhs and 1700 meter was pitched in ‘Aargau Ritheypani’ in 50 lakhs. And, in financial year 066/067 B.S., Dipshikha library was built in Lekhnath-1 Bhandadik with 78 lakhs. For more development, it was selected in list to 6 municipalities among 58 by the local development ministry.
To link the 7 lakes, various programmes are planned. By 14 lakhs, way to Dhadanakh- shishuwa was also constructed and 12 meter road of ‘Sundarimargha’ was pitched in 40 lakhs. Also to increase the quality of road in Himalayan areas in Lekhnath- 14 and 15, 35 lakhs was spent and also the road from ‘Towamukh to Saatmane’ was constructed in 51 lakhs.
The constructional work is being carried in the way from ‘Naharchowk to Milanchowk’ with 50 lakhs in 067/068 B.S. in Lehhnath- 11 and Shishuwa Chamber Chowk is also in construction with 50 lakhs.


Housing refers to a dwelling or a housing unit. Housing is an important need of every people. A suitable housing facility has a positive effect on the people’s health, productivity, living standards,mental status and so on. The information on housing and access to facilities are important for right planning of right place to rise the standard of living. The survey conducted in Lekhnath municipality collected information on ownership and type of house used by household, source of drinking water, type of toilet used by household, sources of energy for cooking and lightening, and so on. Ownership type, number of room used and access to utilities and amenities such as electricity, piped water and cooking fuel are known in housing.
Ownership of house or part of house or flat/apartment that usually used by household refers to the legal status. By ownership, house is categorized into four groups: owned, rented, squatter and other. Housing unit occupied by owner’s household is termed as owner occupied while that housing unit for which the occupant actually pays rent is termed as rented-in and the occupant is a renter. Information on ownership of house used by household is an essential part of physical settlement planning. The survey shows that almost 72%households reside in their own housing units, 17%are renters (pay rent),7.8%households are living as squatter and 2.4%households are living in other category. Comparison of the data among wards shows that most of households are living in their own house in all wards of Lekhnath municipality. It is found that ward no. 10 has highest percentage of households (91.6%) living in their own housing units. Ward no. 3 has the highest percentage of households (37.7%) who have not their own house and live in rented house. Ward no. 13 has the highest percentage of households (20.6%) who have not their own house and live in squatters. Similarly, ward no. 15 has the highest percentage of households(5.6%) who are living in other category.
House refers to a structure where household members are using as shelter and that is closed or surrounded by walls or curtains made of any types of materials such as mud, flacks, bricks, stone, concrete ,etc. A house may have contained any number of rooms, by it must have a separate way to go inside. Residential houses are divided into five categories by types. These are Pakky (permanent), Ardha-pakky (semi-permanent), Kachchi (non-permanent), Jhupadi(hut) and other. These are defined on the basis of materials used in wall and roof of dwelling unit. Pakky house refers to permanent type of dwelling unit. Walls and roofs are made of durable materials. Ardha-pakky house refers to semi permanent and the structure is made with combination of either durable wall and non-durable wall. On the other hand, Kachchi house is built with non-durable materials in both wall and roof. Others types of house is a temporary type of residential unit that is made with non- durable materials. This type of housing unit is, generally, made with plastic, sheet, bamboo, straw/thatch, etc. The study shows that higher percentage(more than 44%) of household is leaving in Pakky type of house in the Lekhnath municipality followed by 32% households are living in Kachchai house, 21% are living in Ardha-pakky house and 0.3% are living in other type of house. It is observed that the highest percentage of households(78%) reside in Pakki house, which found in ward no. 8, where as the highest percentage of households (67%) of ward no. 6 reside in Kachhi house.A dwelling size is measured by number of rooms and its surface area. The study shows that 39% of households have two or less than two rooms, 18 % have 3 rooms, 17% have 5 or more than 5 rooms.


Agriculture seems a major economic sector in Lekhnath Municipality. The facts are presented in terms of ownership of agricultural land or ‘Ghadari’ inside or outside municipality area, size of land and livestock information. Additional information on female ownership of land and house and structure of land are also included in this section. In Lekhnath, it can be observed that less than 25% of households do not have any kind of land in any areas whereas 9% of the households have agricultural land and ‘Ghadari’ in both areas i.e. inside and outside the municipality area. Similarly, more than 61% of households have ownership of land in residing municipality followed by less than 5% of households have outside the municipality area. It is observed that more than 81% households have less than 0.5 hector of land; more than 13% households have land with greater than 0.5 hector and less than 1 hector. Similarly, more than 4% of household have more than 1 hector and less than 5hector of land in the municipality areas. Further, 0.5% of households could not mention the area of agricultural land and negligible percentage of households has greater 5-10 hector of land in study area.
It is found that size of less than 0.5hectors situated in 64%of households, 0.5 to less than 1 hector in more than 21% of households and 1-5 hectors in more than 11% of households. Whereas 5-10 hectors of land contained in negligible percentages of households those residing in the Lekhnath Municipality. The information on gender aspects especially on ownership of land and house are also collected in the survey. These information are not only important for exploring the gender based discrimination but also provides a size and structure of gross assets in terms of land and house distributed in the country by female members. Households of ward no.8,10,12,14 accounted that higher percentage of female ownership on land and house than total. Whereas households of ward no.1 reported around 19% having female ownership on land and house. Likewise, households of other remaining wards followed the same pattern as total for female ownership on land and house.
The livestock information are also collected in the municipality area by administrating questions on number and type of livestock. More than 54%of households have engaged for rearing livestock in Lekhnath Municipality in which more than 75% households in ward 4 and 10 are rearing livestock not only big heads but also small heads and poultry. It is found that livestock rearing is very popular among the households of ward no.2,4,6,9,10,11 and15. It can be seen that livestock rearing is less popular in wards 1 and7, where less than 40% households attracted towards livestock rearing activities. Households of ward no.9 &10 are rearing more than two big heads on the average of 2. Households in other remaining wards reared either one big head or small head on average which clearly shows that households of Lekhnath municipality have reared on average of more than a big heads and a small head only. Besides the big heads, small heads and birds/poultry are also reared by residing households in the municipality area. It is found that households of municipality area have on the average of more than a small heads and 14 birds and poultry. Rearing poultry is very popular in wards 7,8,12&15 where households reared more birds than average. In addition, rearing poultry and birds are less popular in ward6 with comparing to other wards in Lekhnath municipality.


By the name of the poet ‘SIROMADI LEKHNATH PAUDYLE’, the name of the city was kept Lekhnath which is the only one among 53 municipalities named after the name of the poet. Lekhnath Paudyle who was born in Kaski-Archaley, tried to give knowledge to the people through his creation on literature. Because of his creation, he is still popular though he is not with us now.
There is great probability of literal tourism in Archaley as well. Peaceful environment and green forest attracts everyone. As the facility of transportation, communication and many others have already reached here; it can be developed as a famous tourist spot because of which the Nepali literature can be flourished. To develop Lekhnath as the literature tourism area, Lekhnath museum has to be established in Archaley which is known because of the poet Lekhnath who was very rich in literature writing. The home of Lekhnath Paudyle is also conserved and his belongings are in Kathmandu (capital city) which is kept with care. Local people and various literate leagues are planning to make literature museum in Archaley. There is a ‘Shandus’ in his home, ‘Dhiki; in baranda and ‘Jhato’ in the courtyard. At present, the things of Paudyle are kept in ‘Shyoyikhuttye’ in Kathmandu which are being appealed by the local people in Lekhnath to store in museum of Lekhnath after it is ready.
Every year, there holds the fair of ‘Janma Jyanti’ of Lekhnath Paudyle where various literary figures gather together and discuss about the developmental activities of the Archaley. Though the name of municipality is Lekhnath, Archaley being the birthplace of Paudyle is still in the state of development.


It is in Lekhnath 3, 4 &6. The total area is 24.8030 hector and water area is 13.7370 hector. Fish farming have been conducted in this lake since some years. The area is also known as ‘Bird Wetland’ or the lake is known to be bird watching lake as the Siberian, Indian and Afghani birds come here to protect themselves from cold. This area can be the famous research centre for the birds of different types and species. To protect and conserve this lake; municipality has given to ‘Khastey Udham Pvt.Ltd.’ in rent within some circumstances. Because of the ‘Talbaraha Mandir’ (Temple) in the middle of this lake, it can also be developed as the famous religious place.


DIPANG LAKE is in Lekhnath6, Kaski which is 562 meter above the sea level where the water has occupied 18.7500 hector of 32.4320hector of land. This lake is near the green forest and also in between golden paddy field. The lake is about 3-5 meter deep.
This lake is also originated from the Seti River. In searching for the name to be Dipang for this lake, it is found that in the period of Aakshi; Magar (a kind of caste) people lived in this area. In Magar language, ‘Di’ is known as water and ‘pang’ means known. Later, the word is pronounced to be Dhipang.
The location of this lake is very beautiful and quiet and thought to be attractive than others. So, it is planned to make a “Honeymoon Lake.” House boat and cabin boat can be operated in this lake. Also, foot trade and single room cottage can be established for the new couples so that they can get a full enjoyment. The Pantha hill nearby it can be developed as a foothill for picnic spot, recreational park, and religious place and so on. Fish farming, fishing and boating programmes can be operated in this lake.